Do I have to wear the oxygen mask for HBOT?
What does HBOT feel like?
The start of the chamber experience feels very much like descending in a plane. Once the optimum pressure has been reached (1.35 ATA) you won’t notice the change in pressure anymore.
Who comes to use the HBOT?
What do you do inside the HBOT chamber?
You can read a book, do some light stretching, meditate or just take a nap. Bringing an electronic device is possible, but it is at your own risk. Some people like to bring in bluetooth headphones and leave their phone outside the chamber.
What do I wear in the HBOT chamber?
Is HBOT safe?
How much money do I get back from my health fund for remedial massage?
Each private health fund pays a different amount, based on the level of cover you have. If you want to know the exact amount, you’ll need to contact your insurer. We have a HICAPS machine on-site though, so you can claim on your massage straight away!
Does sports massage hurt more than remedial massage?
What age is best to start infant massage?
Infant massage can begin from the day your precious bub is born!
Our infant therapist Donna, is experienced in knowing safe techniques and oils to use for your baby depending on their age. Your initial session includes instruction on how to perform the techniques at home, so you’ll feel confident giving your baby the gift of nurturing touch no matter what age you start.
Can I get a massage and use the hyperbaric chamber on the same day?
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